Electric Chain Hoists (Netherlands)

Electric Chain Hoists (Netherlands)


1. Stationary (on pins)

2. With a hook suspension bracket

3. With the movement mechanism without a chain drive

4. With the movement mechanism with a chain drive

5. With the electric movement mechanism

6. With the crane cart 

   The main advantages of the electric chain hoist is a compactness, small construction height, safety in operations, simplicity of installation and connection. Chain receiver is included into a standard complete set. The length of management cable and height of lifting can be set depending on client’s wish.

 Technical characteristics: 
Loading capacity (kg)от 500 kg. до 15 000 kg. 
Height of lifting (m)от 3,2 m., до 50 m.
Speed of lifting (m/min)9,5; 8,0; 7,3; 4,8; 4,0; 2,7; 3,7; 2,5; 
Micro speed of lifting (m/min)3,2; 2,4; 2,7; 1,3; 1,2; 0,9; 0,8;
Speed of movement (m/min)24,0; 21,0; 17,5; 16,7;
Micro speed of movement (m/min)8,0; 7,0; 5,8; 5,5;
Operating mode: 
– FEM 9.511 
– ISQ 4301/1
2 m – 3 m
M3 М4 M5
Climatic modification:
– standard
from -25C to +40C
Additional features: 

– two speeds of lifting;

– two speeds of movement;

– radio control;

– thermoprotection of the engine;

– loading capacity limiter;

– crane execution;